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The Ramble In The Brambles is a scenic trail run held on the 4R Ranch Vineyard and Winery in the foothills of North Texas. Featuring beautiful scenery and a challenging rocky and dirty single-track trail with over 2400 feet of elevation gain for the 29M event, the race follows a 9.5M looped course and a special route for the 5K, beginning and ending at the 4R wine barn. This race brings a memorable atmosphere, beautiful views, and fun on the trails.
Course Overview
- Surface: Rocks, dirt, single-track trail, a tiny bit of gravel road.
- Course: Brambles Mountain Biking Trail
- Elevation: Lots of ups and downs climbing 800ft every 9.5M loop.
- Location: 4R Ranch Vineyard and Winery
- Weather: Average 50-70 degree end of March Texas weather.
- 1473 Co Rd 477, Muenster, TX 76252
2025 Participant Guide - Open PDF
Locations and Times
The start and finish are located at the Wine Barn at the 4R Wine Ranch.
(1473 Co Rd 477, Muenster, TX 76252)
Click here for the pin to the exact start and finish location.
Packet Pickup
Friday - 4PM to 6PM at the Wine Barn at the 4R Wine Ranch.
Saturday - 5:30AM to 7:30AM at the Wine Barn at the 4R Wine Ranch.
Participants will receive their Bib and Race T-Shirt at packet pickup.
Start Times @4R Barn
29M Runners - Start time 6:30 AM
19M Runners - Start time 7:00 AM
9M Runners - Start time 7:30 AM
5K Runners - Start time 7:35 AM
9M RUCK - Start time 7:45 AM
5:00 PM - Race Cutoff
29M Runners - Three loops
Runners will run a total of 29 miles. The elevation gain is over 2400ft of climbing with over 2400ft in descending. Aid stations will be available every 5 miles per loop.
19M Runners - Two loops
Runners will run a total of 19 miles. The elevation gain is over 1600ft of climbing with over 1600ft in descending. Aid stations will be available every 5 miles per loop.
9M Runners - One loop
Runners will run a total of 9 miles. The elevation gain is over 800ft of climbing with over 800ft in descending. Aid stations will be available every 5 miles per loop.
9M RUCK - One loop
Ruckers will ruck a total of 9 miles. Minimum 25lb ruck - we will weigh on race day. The elevation gain is over 800ft of climbing with over 800ft in descending. Aid stations will be available every 5 miles per loop.
5K Runners - One modified loop
Runners will run a total of 3.2 miles. The elevation gain is approximately 250ft of climbing. Aid stations will be available at start and finish.
- Every runner will get a Ramble In The Brambles short sleeve shirt and a finisher race medal.
- The First, Second, and Third places male and First, Second, and Third places female of each distance will get a trophy.
- The last person to finish each distance will get a DFL award... "dead freakin last"
- Anyone who carries an additional 25+ lbs will get a special Ruck token. This was inspired by Andrew Marvin who in 2023 ran the entire 29 Miler with a 25lbs.
POST RACE - Checkout the great food and award-winning wine from 4R Ranch Vineyards and Winery after the race at the tasting room.
Click here to view the Rambles MTB Trail
This map does not include the 0.36-mile gravel road from the start (Wine Barn) to the Brambles MTB TrailHead.
GPX Map File
Click here to download GPX file
5K Course Map Click Here
Trail Markers
The course is permanently marked with yellow bike gear arrows. We will also use orange ties and signs to help mark the course.
Aid Station
There will be two aid stations.
Main Aid Station (Start/Finish Area)
The main aid station will be manned by a few volunteers and will have water, pickle juice, sodas, bananas, oranges, PB&Js, and other various salty, sweet, and savory snacks. We will have our first aid located at the main tent.
Hoggies Aid Station (Mile 5.5)
The Hoggies aid station will also be manned by a few volunteers and will have water, pickle juice, sodas, bananas, oranges, PB&Js, and other various salty, sweet, and savory snacks.
4R Ranch Winery Campsite - click here
"Where the short-grass prairie drops into the Red River Valley, the 4R Ranch—with its magnificent vistas and rocky terrain—is perfectly suited for growing grapes. Patriarch W.C. Roper encouraged his family of sixth-generation Texans to share the beauty of this extraordinary place with others, and so it was the love of this man and the love of the land that inspired 4R Ranch Vineyards & Winery. Chinquapin oaks, white-tailed deer, the endangered black-capped vireo, and the occasional Rio Grande turkey inhabit this incredible property. Powered by the sun, earth, and wind, 4R Ranch Vineyards & Winery calls us all to slow our pace, enjoy the view, and sip a glass of wine in the magnificent Red River Valley." - Walt
Additional Information
Volunteer - click here
Event Contact -

The Pickle Juice Company will be providing their Pickle Juice for the race. You will see their juice available at each aid station.
Texas Outlaw Running Company
Instagram - @TexasOutlawRunning
Facebook - Texas Outlaw Running Company
YouTube - Texas Outlaw Running Company
Twitter - @RunningOutlaw
4R Ranch Vineyards and Winery
Instagram - @4Rwines
Facebook - 4R Ranch Vineyards and Winery
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